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After all, what are digital certificates for?

Так как форум новый, мы начнём с одного общего раздела, из которого позже вырастут другие в зависимости от тем, которые будут здесь обсуждаться.
Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 21 окт 2023, 10:00

After all, what are digital certificates for?

Сообщение hoymonte2 » 21 окт 2023, 10:04

The Internet has reduced distances, streamlined procedures and revolutionized the way companies exchange information. However, there is still insecurity when we talk about transactions involving financial resources and documents that have legal validity. What can be done to ensure the protection and authenticity of this data? The answer lies in the use of digital certificates! In this post, you will understand what they are, how they work, what they are useful for and how this technology can be an important tool for reducing bureaucracy in your company. Good reading! What are digital certificates? Digital certificates are electronic files that act as a virtual signature. They have legal validity and protect transactions carried out over the Internet. Through this technology, people (whether individuals or legal entities) can identify themselves and sign documents securely from any location in the world. Any individual or organization wishing to secure an online transaction can use the digital certificate.

However, the process is mandatory for companies phone number data that issue electronic invoices and that are registered under the real profit or presumed profit tax modalities. Certification of companies governed by Simples is not required, as they are not required to grant the electronic note. How do digital certificates work? Currently, digital certificates offer complete protection for data transmission in an electronic environment. The technology was developed so that this tool works as a virtual identity card. In other words, it provides authenticity, as well as confidentiality and security to information. To achieve this, digital certificates use techniques: private key: set of procedures that makes information encrypted, that is, incomprehensible to those who cannot decode it; public key: allows exchanges to be made without compromising data.


Thus, the private key has the function of generating a unique code for each file that the company issues, while the public key will allow the recognition of this code and, thus, guarantee the veracity of the document. What are the uses of digital certificates? Digital certificates allow people and companies to carry out, over the Internet, processes that would require much more time if they had to be carried out in person. Using this technology it is possible: carry out banking transactions; send company statements; sign and send files over the Internet; issue and sign invoices and other tax documents; guarantee the legal validity of electronic documents. This way, it is possible to guarantee the reduction of bureaucracy in various procedures, making the company more agile. Through data encryption, digital certificates are tools that bring security and guarantee authenticity to transactions carried out through an electronic environment.

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