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Financial education: why should you learn this at school?

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Сообщения: 2
Зарегистрирован: 22 окт 2023, 05:34

Financial education: why should you learn this at school?

Сообщение puja » 22 окт 2023, 06:07

In times when around 72% of Brazilian families are in debt – the updated number is from the National Confederation of Commerce in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC) – many people demonstrate and comment that they have never been taught how to save or invest money earn responsibly. The school would play a fundamental role in covering this gap, bringing elements of financial education to student classes starting from early childhood education.

Now, with the approval of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) for elementary education and early childhood education, there is finally room for ws data this curricular component to become more present in schools in Brazil. According to Singularidades professor Antonio Alexandre, there was already guidance in the National Curricular Parameters (PCN) to work with issues belonging to the Society and Consumption axis. However, says Antonio, the number of individuals and companies with gigantic debts is clear proof that the work was not successful.


That is why the importance of this discipline being included in the new base . “We discussed in the classroom ways to work on financial education at school, throughout basic education, always seeking to help citizens make conscious choices about managing their resources”, explains Alexandre. Topics such as insurance, rights and duties, planning, pensions, credit, consumption and savings are covered. The professor believes that content on financial mathematics are important tools to help make decisions about consumption or investments, and that is why he is gaining more interest every year.

Alexandre also highlights the importance that the teaching and learning of financial mathematics has not only in the private life, but also in society of the teacher and his students. “One of the major objectives of the discipline is to promote the exercise of citizenship, through financial and social security education”, he concludes.

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